Ke Chen

Postdoctoral Associate

Ke grew up in Huanggang City, which is located along the Yangtze River in the Middle-East of China, and is known for its well-established high school education. Ke received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Stony Brook University under the supervision of Dr. Alfredo Fontanini, where he studied the sensory-motor processes associated with tasting. With multiple approaches, he illustrated licking deficits in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease, and characterized spatio-temporal representation of task-related signals (taste, licking, planning) in the gustatory insular cortex. Attracted by the rich neuroscience community in the Greater Boston Area, Ke moved from Long Island, NY to Boston and joined Dr. Daniel Polley’s lab to have a sip of research on auditory processing. In May 2021, Ke joined Wang Lab to dive into a new line of research dissecting neural circuits for opioid dependence and drug addiction.  Outside the lab, Ke likes playing basketball and badminton, hiking and taking scenery photos.